Thursday, October 05, 2006


In this inaugural post I would like to make a singular request: leave your individualism at the door. Why? Because your autonomy is a vain deceit that blinds your ability to correctly understand Truth. I use a capital "T" here not to indicate some vague amorphous and abstract comcept of absolute truth, rather I use it to refer to being. Specifically, I use to to refer to God and particularly I use it to refer to the Second Person of the Trinity. What does this have to do with individualism and autonomy? A lot, actually. Man is created in the image of this Triune God and because God is a Trinity we can be certain that Truth, also, consists primarily within this interpersonal relationship amongst the Father, Son and Spirit. The gospel truth, which comes as a manifestation of Truth, is not a private truth; it is not a private system of dogmas, creeds and confessions like modern Christianity portrays it. It is, instead, a public interpretation of experience. The kingdom of God is this experience and the city of God is the only place understanding can be found.


DanVPorter said...

You left a comment on my blog a week or so ago. I need to contact you. How?

jared said...

Well, you could always respond in the comment section on your blog :-)

You can also shoot me an email at