Monday, March 05, 2007

Refridgerator Poetry

This is a poem I constructed with those magnetic word packs that my wife has on the 'fridge. I haven't really figured out what it means yet, but it was fun to put together.

You whisper blood days as life falls on me
Crushing the moon of a sad summer man
When sleeping in no sweet eternity
What do I say to you, love
Soar to the luscious forest above
For I am frantic only by beauty
Sing, my girl, the symphony of love
But how will she have me
One repulsive gift
A diamond

I know I wrote it quite a while before we were actually engaged so I'm guessing it is a reflection upon my unconcious loathing of the cultural "obligation" to purchase shiny cut stones in order to get married. A loathing brought about, of course, by the very obvious fact that my bank account was about as padded as a gym floor. Other than this, it's a simple composition inspired merely by the words available on the refridgerator door.

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